Thursday, October 29, 2009
lunch- rice, kim chi, zucchini, galbi (special Korean chicken dish... good flavor but the bones wierded me out - I had a hard time figuring out how to eat it!), and a peppery soup that was milky looking with those rice cake things again
dinner- still full from lunch!... I ate a few bites of the yummy curry I made last night (Korean curry mix with apples, carrots, bell pepper and tofu), and a yogurt
Didn't see my Korean mom today. Maybe she moved to a different corner?
The computer teacher was using my "office" as a testing center for the first three class periods of the day, so I just put on my headphones and did my thing while 30+ Korean kids stared at me. Great times :) The computer teacher reallllly wants to speak English fluently, and she kind of latched herself onto me today. I was kind of surprised, but enjoyed her company.
Lunch was wierd- I was surrounded by the big wigs of the school... the principal, head teacher, assistant principle... and everyone was watching me eat. I think it was because I look absurd trying to eat with chop sticks, and galbi is a very important Korean dish. I tried to act like I didn't notice, and would just look up and smile at them every once in a while... but I got a little self conscious.
My alien registration card arrived today - I am now an offical "alien" :) So, in the afternoon the special education teacher took me to the bank, where I opened a Korean bank account.
After classes ended, my two buddies were hanging out in my office. Yea Gyun (the girl) asked me to go to the market with her. So, when 5 o'clock came around, we left school and headed for the "market". When we got outside, my little guy was waiting - I asked him "do you want to walk with us?" and he shook his head yes. Love that kid.
Yea Gyun ended up taking me to a stationary store in the shopping district about 10 minutes past my apartment. "I want to buy you a gift," she said. She wouldn't take no for an answer, so I looked for the least expensive thing I could find (we decided on some really cute Hangul stickers!), and we were on our way. I was so humbled at the selflessness of this little girl. She is amazing. I learned a lot about her today - she is learning English and Japanese, and hopes to learn French. She had so many good questions for me about culture in the U.S... and she had many good insights into Korean culture, too. One that stuck in my mind: I told her kids in Korea work much harder than kids in the U.S. (in Korea, most kids go to at least one extracurricular - i.e. piano lessons, English school, etc. almost every day of the week). She said, "America is better than Korea, so we have to work harder". Quite a big statement from a little girl of 10. She is an amazing person.
It was now dark outside, and I was worried about her walking home alone. She said her mom would be picking her up on the corner across the street from my apartment, so I waited there with her. I got nervous when we were waiting for what seemed like a long time, and it was getting later and creepier (at least to me) being outside. Finally she called her mom and everything worked out perfectly. She gave me another gift before we parted ways - a cute little notebook specially designed for learning vocabulary (she has been teaching me so many Korean words). What a fun gift! "Now," I told her, "I have no excuse to be bad at Korean!"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
lunch: rice; super yummy Chinese soup (many of the other teachers pointed to it and said "China soupa") - it was so yummy; kim chi; juicy pineapple; super delicious little puff pastry things with apple-tasting stuff inside
dinner: rice with tomatoes, shrimp, broccoli, and sesame seeds
I left the apartment a few minutes early so I'd have time to stop and talk with the old lady on the corner. Let me tell you about this lady: I don't know why, but she is always standing outside in the same place by the school, holding a big flag. I usually just say hi and smile as I walk past her, and she stops me and talks (in Korean) until I gesture that I need to get going. But, today when we met, I said (in Korean), "Hi! Good to see you today! My name is Danielle". She was very surprised, and hugged me. She pointed to herself and said (in Korean): "mom" (one of the words I learned yesterday!!!) I was like wow, we just had a legit conversation! Cool. So, from here on out this old lady will be called my "Korean mom" haha.
When I got to the office, I practiced the Hangul alphabet on the white board for a while and then got to lesson planning. I planned a week's worth of lessons for all 22 classes before lunch time (they probably won't be used, but I have done my job).
I am being really encouraged to try and speak more Korean. At lunch, I said "hello" in Korean, and the principal was soooooooo excited! She gave me a big thumbs up :) I think they are just being nice...
After eating, all the other teachers left school - apparently there was some kind of conference going on. So I was hanging out with the kids outside. They were teaching me all kinds of new words and listening to Avril Lavigne and Taylor Swift on their cell phones. Pretty funny. Then, a bunch of kids came running up to me, pointing to one of the girls... she had a REALLY bloody nose and they were freaking out. I later learned she was punched in the face by one of the boys... rough day on the playground! I didn't have my sandals, so I couldn't go inside the building. I gestured to the other kids to go get tissues, and they came back with the nurse (so thankful she was actually there today!). The kids kept apologizing to me... I didn't really understand why.
As I was walking home, I saw this adorable couple walking up the hill by the apartment. They looked very old... the woman's walking was labored and very slow, and the man (who I am guessing is her husband) was walking right alondside her. Really sweet.
Later tonight when I was just doing some studying in the apartment, I heard this really wierd noise that sounded like a child screaming. I think it was a cat being tortured or torturing something... I ran and closed/locked all the doors and windows. Really creepy.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
lunch- kim chi, rice, non-descript (i.e. I have no clue how to describe it, but it was good) soup, some kind of vegetable looking thing that tasted like a type of root, and the yummiest ginger chicken and orange squash-type vegetable stuff I've ever had!
dinner- rice with sesame seeds, bell pepper, mushrooms and tofu, and orange juice to keep the swine away!
I was delighted to have hot water this morning! The hot water works only intermittently and I have yet to figure out the schedule (if there is one)...
It was a very cold morning, so I brought a to-go mug with hot tea...
As you can tell, my day got off to a good start!
I was again in my office all day long, so I just worked on learning Korean. I took a break for lunch, then hit the books again. I concentrated on learning Hangul, the Korean alphabet. I think once I have that down, everything here will be much more pleasant - I will be able to read the signs!
Around 2pm the kids started flooding into my office... I was visited by so many of them today! They saw I was learning Korean, and they all got really excited about playing teacher. I was exhausted, but learned a lot :)
My baby, the boy who always comes and shows me his drawings/reads or tells me stories, was hanging out a lot with me today. He was still reading me a book when 5 o'clock came, and I told him it was time to go. He was walking the same way I was going home, so we walked together.
I was getting nervous, thinking "hmmm I hope this kid actually lives this way and isn't just following me home!" Between my Korean and his English (totally a credit to his grasp of the English language here...), I figured out he was going to piano lessons and they were apparently held right down the street from my apartment. He walked me all the way to my apartment building, and I asked if he would be okay walking the rest of the way to piano lessons alone. I was nervous to leave him all alone in the big city, but he does that walk every other day by himself, so I let him go. What an amazing little kid.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lunch: slimy noodly things with random veggies, soup that had something slimy and green which I think was seaweed, rice, kim chi, other random veggie things
Dinner: salad (lettuce and tomatoes), eggs, orange juice, mini sweet potato
Back to school today!..
Yoon Jin is in the hospital with swine flu :(:(:( so I will not be doing any teaching until she returns (the kids can't understand English well enough for me to teach without her). More and more I am realizing I need to learn Korean if I am to be effective here. I can't keep depending on other people being able to speak and understand English... after all, I am IN KOREA!!! I have been in need of a serious attitude adjustment - and thankfully I got it :) So, now that I am going to be shut up alone in my "office" probably for the rest of this week, I can just focus on studying studying studying.
One of my coteachers took me to the immigration office today, and I got to see Chuncheon from a whole new angle... it was breathtakingly beautiful. How quickly I forget these amazing things when my focus is inward (i.e. I am homesick, I am sad, I am cold, I I I I I - enough with the I)! Time to get in gear!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
lunch: rice with chickpea-looking things, cucumber with tomato sauce, some unidentifiable soup with tofu-ish strip things and various mushrooms and... noodles? (not sure really), green stuff that I am guessing was either a. spinach or b. seaweed, sesame chicken
dinner: veggie dumplings, shrimps, milk, grapes and of course tea
So, by about the 3rd class of the day (the noisiest group of 6th graders I presume has EVER been on the earth...), I was ready to throw in the towel and hop on the next plane home.
I was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing, I was tired, I was convinced I was getting swine flu (running rampant at the school now...), and I was frustrated with the way my co-teacher was doing, well, EVERYthing.
Then... my last class of the day was amazing. We had so much fun. They were respectful and eager to learn- it was refreshing.
As if that wasn't awesome enough... after I ate lunch, I went back to my desk and was visited by BOTH of my favorite kids! I had such a wonderful time with both of them. I really thought I was going to BURST with joy! I realize God is fulfilling so many of my heart's desires in ways I never expected. I continue to be humbled and amazed, and thankful for this time. It's not easy, but is anything worth doing EVER easy?..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lunch: kim chi, rice, some kind of root vegetable, some bizarre but yummyish fish, a good winter soup with lots of spices and some kind of slimy rice cake things and meat-filled dumplings
dinner: I made a "pancake" with the Korean pancake mix the previous teacher left... and some shrimps. Random, I know.
Today I taught 4 classes. One 4th grade, and three 5th grade. It went well. I felt really confident today, and wasn't afraid to take charge and discipline the kids. They are soooooooo noisy, and I refused to talk or continue if they were not being silent and paying attention. I will need to establish this as a norm... it's obvious they have been subjected to waaaaaaaaaay too lax teaching methods for too too long, and it's not gonna fly with me. So, we have much work to do :)
I love the students though, and I adore their little voices trying to speak English. It's so cute. The "r" sound is very difficult for Koreans, because they do not have this sound in Korean. So, we work a lot on that. It's been fun making them roar like lions to practice.
That little boy I talked about... he is spending more and more time at my desk. Although I love having him there, I was like "Yoon Jin isn't he supposed to be in class right now???!" She said "probably". I was like hmmm... do I tell him to go to class, or is he allowed to just wander? We'll see. I will cross that bridge when I come to it (probably tomorrow ha).
At lunch I tried using the calling card, but it wouldn't work on that phone either. BUMMER!!! One of my students came in and when I explained the situation, she said she would meet me after school and go to the phone booth with me to try it out.
I knew it wouldn't work, but this girl is a helper by nature. I didn't want to take that opportunity away from her... so she met me after school was done and we walked to the phone booth across the street. It didn't work, but I asked her to explain the country codes, etc. (they are printed in Korean on the inside of the telephone booth). We had a great chat as we walked together. She lives up a hill across the street from my apartment. I don't want to be a creeper, but I would love to walk with her everyday. I LOVE spending one on one time with my students - they are such neat people, and I want to get to know them all as individuals!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Breakfast: cereal and milk; tea
Lunch: Mushroom and egg soup; kim chi; shrimp fried rice; persimmon; garlic toast
Dinner: a Dunkin' Doughnuts cinnamon role and a Starbucks latte (my kids brought these to me at like 4:30pm)
Today was a test day, so it was eerily quiet at the school... I was alone in the library (my "office") until rught before lunch, when Yoon Jin came rushing in. Apparently her son (who is in kindergarten) was very sick with flu and she had to take him to the hospital :(
So, I walked to lunch alone for the first time and sat with the principal and head teacher... even though we can't speak eachother's language, we had good "conversation" with gestures and a lot of smiles. They were laughing at my eating today. First of all, I thought the persimmon was a tomatoe and was dreading eating it. I bit into it, skin and all, and they were like "NO!! NO!" They showed me how to peel the skin off, and eat it correctly... on my first try, I had gooey sticky fruit all over my hands and face. They got me a second one, and I did a little better :)
When I was walking back to the office (again, by myself for the first time), I stopped to chat with some students on the playground who always yell "Dan-yil! Hello!" when I walk by after lunch...
They were playing on the teeter totter and wanted me to get on. I said, "No! Too big!" They all said "NO!!! Skinny! Small! Very beautiful!" I admit, I like hearing these kinds of compliments way too much. I think the Korean people must be very complimentary in general.
Before going back to my desk I stopped at the teachers' lounge. Without Yoon Jin translating, I knew I wouldn't be able to have a conversation with the other teachers, but I just wanted to show them I want to be their friend and be involved in what's going on... I wanted to put forth effort.
My efforts were definately rewarded. I can't explain how a conversation can be so satisfying when no words are being spoken, but I can truly say that time with the other teachers (the head teacher and the special ed teacher) was truly one of the best convos I've had. We bonded :)
Yoon Jin was leading play practice for "Snow White" all afternoon in the library. This is a daily occurance. The first time, I was SOO annoyed. I couldn't believe the sheer VOLUME of the kids, and how hyper they were. It's amazing how my attitude has changed... when I no longer see these kids through Western "goggles", things are much clearer. I loved being there with them.
In between scenes, I would try speaking some Korean with the kids, and have them write down their names in hopes of memorizing them all. I also showed them I am interested in them by watching YouTube videos of "2pm" and "Big Bang" - two famous pop groups that the kids love. They thought that was pretty funny. Kids are really the same everywhere... that's one thing I love so much about them. Culture and clothing and color may be different, but the inside is the same.
I know I shouldn't have favorites... but I can simply not explain the way I love this one little boy. I don't even know his name - he doesn't really talk. Yoon Jin tried explaining his situation to me - from what I understood and have observed, he is most likely autistic and perhaps mentally retarded as well. But I don't care what the world says is "wrong" with this little one... he is incredible. He draws these absolutely astoundingly awesome pictures, and always comes and shows me. I feel so honored that he would share these drawings with me. He works so hard on them, and they are REALLY good. I think he will be famous one day. And he is really sharp. He may be smart in different ways than people would normally associate intelligence with, but he is SMART. Smarter than me, for sure. He is so special. Every time I see his face, I feel so much joy. He's a treasure :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Breakfast: same as yesterday :)
Lunch: soup with mushrooms and some kind of fishy flavor, kim chi, some kind of clear gooey stuff that was supposedly made from a bean (soy? idk) with carrots slivers and sesame seeds, dekalb (Chuncheon's famous spicy chicken rib dish) with those things that look like potatoes but definately are not, rice, and that same tea/water mystery drink
Dinner: Pasta with red sauce and all kinds of sea creatures, pickled vegetables, green tea, different kinds of bread with olive oil
Wow- what a wonderful day. I was not doing well this morning at all. I was sad and homesick and literally feeling sick also. I just totally didn't want to be here. I was cold. I was tired. You get the picture...
Even during my first few classes, I was really feeling discouraged and like I just wanted to burst into tears. Then, the 4th class of the day was SOOO GOOOOOOD!!! It was just like a huge boost and for the first time I really felt love for my students. After that, everything seemed to change... probably because I was seeing things in a different light.
The rest of the afternoon was much better, and I was so thrilled when a couple groups of girls came into the library (my current office) just to try having a conversation in English. Truly my happiest moment here so far... I love working one on one with students.
Also, I really felt honored that the other teachers took such an interest in making me feel welcome at the school...
They were talking for half of their lunch break about things they wanted to show me here in Chuncheon (I didn't understand any of it, so Yoon Jin was translating the gist of the convo for me). Maybe tomorrow we will all go see the mountains and have dinner? "It's not sure yet, just plan. It's not sure".
Tonight Yoon Jin took me to the hospital, where I had every kind of medical test known to me...
They took like 5 viles of blood (I thought I was going to pass out... why has my fear of needles intensified so much in the past few years?), a pee sample (HA- it was a paper cup that was not made for this type of thing, and I just had to laught when they handed me this cup that said "taste the difference... so and so brand dinnerwear"... eew), an eye test (my vision is apparently perfect), an x-ray (the technician, bless his heart, was painfully awkward trying to explain to me in his limited English that I could keep all my clothes on but needed to take off my underwear for the xray), and also blood pressure, weight, height, etc...
The scale made me laugh. It said in big letters on the front "Fatness Indicator". Oh my...
After that, Yoon Jin took me out to eat at this charming, yummy and very impressive Italian restaurant overlooking the entire city and suburbs of Chuncheon!!! Wow- I can truly say I was in complete awe. Never seen anything like it. I appreciate this city SO MUCH after seeing it from that angle. Amazing. Truly a gem of a place, with all the lakes and mountains and beauty all around... things I couldn't see until I had that angle. I also loved just driving around the city and seeing it that way. I can't wait to get out and explore all those fun places I saw today...
Tomorrow is a test day, so I think we are just planning all day. And maybe leaving school early to hike/have dinner/whatever the other women teachers have in mind (But it's "just plan. Not sure" so we'll see!).
:) I thought of everyone I love and miss back home tonight. I would have loved for you guys to be there and see what I was seeing. Maybe someday we can take in that view together! Wish I'd brought a camera!
Monday, October 19, 2009
breakfast: Post brand cereal that looks like wheaties but is kind of sugar coated and has green seeds or peas (not exactly sure which) mixed in, with milk and orange juice, and instant coffee that's disgusting and full of sugar blech
snack: school gives us milk about an hour before lunch... tasted like rice milk, but apparently it is in fact cow milk. hmmmmmmm not sure about that one.
lunch: BEST meal of the day. Teacher who designs lunch menu is a dietician! Today was rice, some kind of soup that had some type of random veggies and kind of a fishy flavor, a pile of those petrified little somethings with eyes (SUPER CREEPY!!! I was horrified the first time I saw these, which was on the airplane coming over when they served lunch, but then when we had them at the school and I was sitting with the principal, I couldn't really refuse, so I tried... actually okay if you don't think too much about it...I will try to get the name of this so you can see for yourself yikes!), kim chi, apple slices, that wierd drink that I can't figure out if it's water or tea or watery tea, some kind of dark meat with a dumpling type thing that was definately NOT the potatoe I thought it was...
dinner: I cooked up a little rice and fried an egg, and put both of those on top of some lettuce and sprinkled bean powder on top. also drank some brown rice tea.
first day of school was stressful, tiring, very frustrating, and long...
I had to be there early because they have an assembly every monday morning with the whole school. I was just standing there trying not to look as spaced out as I actually was (Okay, after 1/2 hour of people talking in Korean I was seriously gone), when my co-teacher (aka the only other English speaker on the current face of my planet) tapped me and said "You introduce yourself now!" I was like HUH?
So feeling totally awkward, I went up on the stage and they gave me a microphone. I looked out at all the Korean faces in front of me, and couldn't help but think Wow! This is soo cool! I just spoke really slowly, said my name and bowed and thanked them for having me... I don't know if they really understood any of it, but I got a huge round of applause so I guess I did something right ha.
The lessons went fine, except that the kids are sooooooo noisy and talkative (but NOT in English). I am trying still to guage the role I am to take... I would manage the classroom and discipline the students MUCH differently than my co-teacher does, and yet I don't think it's really my place to be the one running the classroom and establishing disciplinary standards. After all, she is Korean and has been at this school for over 10 years or something like that... I think she knows the culture and the students waay better than I ever will. So, it's a matter of humbling myself and realizing that just because I would do something differently, doesn't necessarily mean my way is better. It's just different, and I need to learn to accept that in certain instances...
I was done teaching by the time lunch came, so I spent the afternoon preparing tomorrow's lessons. Lesson planning had to be put on pause for a faculty meeting at 4pm... where I again had to introduce myself to a crowd full of people who couldn't understand what I was saying. But it went better than I expected.
I started to get overwhelmed, because it took me so long to do ONE lesson plan. And I have 4 classes tomorrow (one 4th grade, and three 6th grade). I also started to get annoyed, because my current "office" is a desk in the library, where basically every student comes to hang out and be noisy and otherwise socialize. Play practice was in there today, too. I was like ahhhhhhhh my brain can't take any more people shouting in Korean!
I am honestly kind of bummed that I only teach as low as 3rd grade, but I still see the littlest ones in the hall, and they all hang on me and giggle. So fun, I just adore them. The older kids are a challenge, just as in any culture! But I know I will learn to love them eventually...
Yoon Jin (my co-teacher) told me she can take me to he hospital tomorrow afternoon to get my physical exam, and once that is processed I can apply for an alien reg. card and get moving forward here... open a bank accnt, get a phone, etc. She also surprised me by saying she wanted to treat me to dinner tom. night... I am excited about that :)
It was COLD here today. Very cold. I am starting to fear the winter!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
In the midst of walking back and forth, I was for some reason targeted by several disgusting men who felt the need to either whistle, honk, or otherwise crudely gesture toward me...
I guess guys can be creeps in any country (no offense to the non-creepy guys in my life).
So at this point I am frustrated and upset, and wanting to go home. So I walk.
I walked for a couple hours, just taking in the scenery and learning my surroundings. The sun was out - the day was looking up.
I found a water-side walking path with a backdrop of mountains. There were a couple of older people sitting along the banks in all sorts of random chairs (quite the hodge podge of chairs, that looked like they were rejected from a grandmother's garage sale).
About 50 meters (there was a sign) along the path, there is a church and a center for World Vision International... will have to go back there when they are open!
I stopped at the grocery store on my way home, and picked up some potatoes, bananas, and tomatoes... and then realized when I got to the checkout that I forgot to bring my wallet! oops.
So, I came home without fruit or veggies, but with a fairly productive day.
Finished my first lesson plan. I am teaching three 5th grade classes tomorrow...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I love it here :)
I just explored the main streets near my apartment today... I got some groceries, and a few things for the apartment. It was pretty wierd spending bills that said 50,000 on them ha...
I was afraid to leave my apartment this morning, because I stick out like a sore thumb here and have no idea where anything is or what the heck I am doing... but God is so GOOD. As soon as I walked down to the main street, a young girl stopped and said "Busol School? You Teacher". She was one of the students I had taught on Friday- now I had a friend to walk with! After we went our separate ways, I felt infinately more confident in my surroundings, and went to tackle the grocery store.
Fast forward to grocery store: I am minding my own business in the tea isle when an old Korean man comes up to me... he grabs the basket I'm holding and starts asking me something repeatedly. I am freaked out a little, until two Korean women come up to him and point to the front of the store. Apparently, the man was just trying to ask me where to get a basket :) haha.
I've found people in general to be kind, respectful and approachable. I feel extremely safe here, although I will not go out at night by myself yet...
My dinner was some kind of fried dough thing this lady was cooking up across the street... it was interesting! Also, there is a pet store by my apartment that I passed by like 10 times today, and I really wanted to go in and check it out so I just now made a random trip in there... I played with the little puppies for a while, and it made my heart so happy :)
I love being able to walk everywhere and not worry about a car! I was unable to get a phone today, because no one in any of the phone stores spoke English. However, there is a Korean professor who lives nearby and offered to help me out! The phone stores are closed on Sunday, but we will shoot for next week sometime!
I know without a doubt that I am ruined... I NEEEEEEEEED adventure in my life. I NEEEEEED challenge. I NEEEEEEED to be taken out of safe, comfortable, traditional environments... they suffocate me. Here, my spirit is already soaring. There's no turning back.
Friday, October 16, 2009
God is GOOD!
Yesterday I met 1/5 of my kids (three 6th grade classes)... SO CUTE!!! When I introduced myself, every single class asked the same question: "Do you have a boyfriend?" It was cute... My love life and baseball were really all they cared about haha.
I met the principle yesterday. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen... Maybe not by the World's standards, but to me she is almost regal. I can't really explain it, but I feel honored just being in her presence. She speaks no English, but Yoon Jin (my co-teacher and only English speaker in the school) was there translating.
I got all moved into my apartment last night. It's about a 7 minute walk from the school, and it's definately livable! I have a queen size bed, 2 dressers, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room/enclosed porch... so fun. I love having my own place to make home.
Last night it was soo stormy, and I was a little scared but slept well. I woke up early with the sunshine, and am excited to do some grocery shopping and find a phone somehow today...
This is not a tourist town, and everything is in Korean. I KNOW I will get lost today, but I want to at least be able to find my way home before it gets dark. Wow... say a prayer for me, I can't do this on my own strength :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The flight seemed to go by in a matter of minutes, and I was awake for most of it. They fed us amazing food on the plane, too... rice, soup, veggies, kim chi, fish, salad, tea... all traditional Korean food that tasted like it was sent from Heaven. Ahhhh yum.
I could see the sun out my window for nearly the entire flight. It looked like we were flying right into it... it was absolutely amazingly beautiful, lighting up the clouds and casting colorful rays on the sky. Then when I could see land, it was green and expansive. I fell in love right away.
The airport was super easy. Everything was in English, so it was a no-brainer.
After I went through customs and got my luggage, I found my ride. He was a super nice older Korean guy who spoke no English, but had a friendly smile and was great at his job. Although, I did get a little wierded out when he was watching TV on the GPS as he was driving!!! Seriously, I video recorded it...
It took over 2 hours to drive from Icheon to Chuncheon. I was desperately trying to stay awake and look out the window - much to see, even in the dark!
We finally arrived at the hotel, and this sweet girl about my age took me to my room. WOW! What a fun place! Our hotels have nothing on this... the lighting, the flat screen tv, the sweet bathroom setup, and the ingenious energy saving mechanisms are super smart and cool.
Only negative is that I don't have phone access, and probably won't until I reach my apartment sometime tomorrow.
Better get some sleep, I have a big day tomorrow!...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
On my way, literally!
I am hoping to sleep for most of the flight :)